hOtel eSperia




Personal data

Your personal data will be used in accordance with the italian law 196/03.

Information about the privacy ( italian law 196/2003)

In accordance with the law 196/03 we inform you that personal data provided directly by the client through this website or email, will be treated only for the booking process.

All data requested in this website is necessary for the booking.

If the client refuses to provide us with these data, the booking form will be not completed.

In no other situation your data will be used or transmitted to others.

No approval is required because data given to us is excluded  according the point B and D of art. 24 of law 196/2003.

Your data will be protected on our system by a password.

Owner and person in charge of the use of your data is the society Esperia s.r.l., Via G. Verga, 18 - Sammichele di Bari (Ba)-Italy. Tel. 0039 0808918370.

Please address to his attention any data modification or cancellation or to oppose to the use of your data as allowed by art. 7 of law 196/2003.

Booking on line

If you want book a room, receive more information, and for any other request you can use the following form. You will receive our confirmation answer by e-mail, fax or phone. For the resevation, so it’s necessary specify a valid way to contact you.

Reproduction of this webapage and its parts is strictly prohibited. © COPYRIGHT ESPERIA s.r.l. VAT IT 01238140725. Copyright registered by number 0031002


Number and type of rooms (specify request of twin bedded rooms, double bedded rooms, single rooms or extra beds)


Day of arrival 

  Arrival details time

Day of departure

  Number of nights

Number of persons

Note / Request


  Surname - Name

Society / Company



  State                  ZIP Code




  E - mail
