hOtel eSperia




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Train from Bari (40 minutes): Bari Central Station - Ferrovie Sud Est - line 1bis to Casamassima. Get off at Sammichele, go out from the station, turn left at the first cross into Via G. Verga, you find the Hotel after 100 mt .

For train schedule, stops and ticket office please visit or call free number 800 079090.

Train from Taranto: Taranto Central Station - line to Bari. Get off at Gioia del Colle and take a bus to Sammichele. Bus info at (select “bus lines” on FSE timetables menu)

Bus from Bari (40 minutes): Bus-line Ferrovie Sud Est - Stop and ticket office in L.go Ciaia in Bari near the Central Station. Arrived in Sammichele, get off at the first stop past the level-crossing, turn left into Viale della Resistenza, so turn left again into Via C. Alberto, walk straight on into Via G. Verga, you find the Hotel after 100 mt.

For bus schedule, stop and ticket office please visit or call +39 080 5426552.

Bus from Taranto / from Gioia del Colle:  arrived in Sammichele, get off at the stop in Viale Della Rimembranza, walk straight on towards the station, then turn right at the last cross (into Via G. Verga), you find the Hotel after 100 mt. Bus info at

Superhighway Bari -Taranto A14: exit Acquaviva delle Fonti. Turn left, following road signs to Sammichele di Bari. Go straight on for 7 Km, arrived in Sammichele, at the first traffic lights turn left and go straight on (into Via D. Bianco) untill level-crossing, don’t pass it and turn right (into Via della Resistenza), so take the second street on the left  (Via del Croix), turn left at the end of the street (into Via Della Rimembranza), then turn right at the first cross (into Via G. Verga), you find the Hotel after 100 mt.

From the s.s. 16 towards Brindisi/Lecce or Foggia: go straight on into Tangenziale (ring road) of Bari, following road sign to Taranto, take exit 13 b, that gets into s.s. 100 BARI-TARANTO, towards Taranto. Go straight on along s.s. 100 for 24 Km, take the first exit for Sammichele, go straight on untill the entrance of the town, where you find a level-crossing, just passed it, turn left  (into Via della Resistenza), so take the second street on the left  (Via del Croix), turn left at the end of the street (into Via Della Rimembranza), then turn right at the first cross (into Via G. Verga), you find the Hotel after 100 mt.


Aeroporto di Bari - Palese: follow road signs to Brindisi/Taranto (Bari’s Tangenziale). Take exit 13 b, that gets into s.s. 100 BARI-TARANTO, towards Taranto. Go straight on along s.s. 100 for 24 Km and take the first exit for Sammichele. Otherwise take a bus to the Central Station of Bari and from there take a train or a bus - line Ferrovie Sud Est to Sammichele. Bus and train info at and


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